“Poor Reading Skills is a Life Sentence

Literacy is a Life Long Opportunity

DFYL Can Make the Difference”

The Literacy Problem is Huge

Reading and Rhythm is positively impacting reading skills through rhythm, building fluency, comprehension and confidence.

  • 67% of 4th graders cannot read at a basic level
  • 85% of Juveniles are considered functioning illiterate
  • 10% of high school graduates can not read
  • 21% of US adults read below the 5th grade level

Doubtful Internal Voice®

Struggling readers have what we call the “Doubtful Internal Voice®”, which The Reading & Rhythm program turns into the “I Got This” Voice.

We are making a BIG IMPACT with Literacy and Mental Health.
How do we do it? We use a strong assertive rhythm that creates a neural pathway for focus and concentration while diffusing the Doubtful Internal Voice® and diminishing anxiety.

UCLA Statistical Analysis: Testing results of 293 children show that fluency increases by 55% for those receiving the R&R Program. The program also results in 20% increase in comprehension for a 4th grade student group in 4 weeks.

Mental Health Needs
our Attention


1 in 4 Americans suffers from mental Illness


More than 10 million adults have unmet need for mental treatment


Over 75% of youth with major depression are still in need for treatment

Life Skills Drumming Program

– addresses anxiety, depression and empowers participants to change the direction their life has taken.

“Drumming has a scientific effect on helping release anxiety.”

Dr. Jonathan E. Sherin

Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Director of LA County Dept. of Mental Health

“The Drum is Now My Home”

Homeless Participants from The Center in Hollywood